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Shocking thing patient asked a doctor to do


As a doctor, what is the most shocking thing a patient has ever requested from you?

An Egyptian woman insisted that her husband’s sperm be checked, because something was obviously wrong. They were trying to get pregnant, but nothing happened at all. And she wanted that baby.

His semen sample turned out to be a bit of a surprise, because it was dead. There was not a single living sperm cell detectable, and it had always been like that, because the man was consequently diagnosed with a rare congenital condition in which patients are infertile from birth.

His sperm had always been dead. The suckers never swam.

You might wonder why the woman’s question was shocking in the first place.

Well, they had three children. And her husband was convinced that he was the biological father of all three of them. His wife, on the other hand, knew only too well that maybe — just maybe — that might not have been the entire naked truth. Because back in Egypt — where they lived when all their children were conceived — there must have been another kind sperm donor. With livingsperm.

And yet she was the one who insisted that her husband’s semen be checked by their urologist, because something was wrong. Only to be unmasked as a serial cheater.

And a very stupid wife.


Analyse De Afrique De David Diop

ANALYSE CRITIQUE ET LIGNE PAR LIGNE DE L'AFRIQUE PAR David Diop   À PROPOS DU POETE: David Mandessi Diop est né en 1927 le 9 juillet à Bordeaux. C'était un poète français ouest-africain. La touche anti-coloniale se reflète dans ses créations. Il était un élément essentiel du mouvement «Négritude». Le poète a écrit un petit recueil de poésie, qui s'appelait «Coups de Pillon» en 1956. Il rêvait d'une Afrique libre. Il est alors devenu la voix de beaucoup d'Africains.


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